Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sincerely Polish

Hi guys!  I hope you're all having a great weekend.  I've been sick with a nasty cold this week and even had to miss a couple days of work which I always hate.  My amazing husband took our girls to a cousin's birthday party, and after about 45 minutes he called me, telling me not to freak out (yeah right!). Our two-year-old, who is our energetic handful and is desperately trying to exert her independence, was climbing up a slide ladder with him right behind her, and just as she reached the top, she slipped and knocked her front tooth out!  She's fine now and stopped crying after about five minutes.  The dentist told me there's really nothing they can do since it's just a baby tooth and to bring her in this week and they'll take x-rays and even see about fitting her with a temporary tooth.  Needless to say, it's been a little bit of an emotional day for everyone.  

Now on to the polish! I have four swatches from another new indie brand called Sincerely Polish (Instagram @sincerelypolished) from creator Karen Jo. The bottles came in really cute packaging which is always a nice touch.

These are from her first collection, Mademoiselle, releasing November 10 and consisting of eight polishes. She explains these are inspired by her boyfriend's girl cousins, beautiful girls with names almost all starting with the letter "M".   Each polish represents a bit of who each girl is. I love the sentiment!

First up is "Richelle", a light green crelly filled with glitter of different sizes and shapes, including matte circle glitter in peach and yellow shades, green micro glitter, and white hex glitter.  This started off pretty sheer but built up to full opacity with three thin coats, which was pretty consistent with all four.  I topped it off with two coats of topcoat for a smooth finish. 

Next up is "Margaret", a light yellow crelly with pink and blue matte circle glitter, small white hex glitter, and holo butterflies.  This one gave me the most trouble and I will probably need to add a tiny bit of thinner the next time I use it.  Three coats was needed to get rid of most of the VNL (visible nail line).  This will be one I visit again in the spring, and would be perfect for Easter.

I absolutely love this one with my skin tone.  "Marvi" is a light blue crelly with blue micro glitter, blue bar glitter, small white hexes, and small blue and pink hexes.  This went on like a dream.

If you guys don't already know and don't follow me on Instagram, you should know I'm trying to make it my life's mission to own ALL THE PURPLE POLISH!  So needless to say, "Mia" is my favorite of the collection.  The base color is a gorgeous lavender shade with a glitter mix that includes different hues and sizes of purple and pink and white hexes.  I'm actually still wearing it, I love it so much!
Overall, this is a lovely first collection from Sincerely Polish.  I love crellys/milky bases and these do not disappoint.  Be sure to follow IG @sincerelypolished for pricing and ordering information.  I'm excited to see what she comes up with next!

*Products in this post were provided for review

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