Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Love, Angeline: Smoke & Mirrors Part Two: Trickster! collection

Good morning, all my ladies in polish addicts land!  I hope the new year is continuing to be a great one for you already.  I've had a few changes in my household with my kids getting involved in more activities so I'm juggling to balance the full-time working mom duties and making time for my love of polish but I'm making it happen! 

I recently received the opportunity to swatch for Love, Angeline polish, an indie brand that features different types of gorgeous polishes that always seem so perfectly ladylike.  I have never tried the brand before now, as it seems I'm on some sort of no-buy or trying to show restraint when she releases her gorgeous collections, but always drooled over other's swatches.  So to say the least, I'm absolutely thrilled to have these two beauties to share with you tonight. 

Aztec Lady and Trapped Doves are from the Smoke & Mirrors Part Two: Trickster! collection.  The collection is made up of three gray crellys and three white crellys.

Trapped Doves

Trapped Doves is a white crelly filled with gray, mint, and aqua matte glitters.  Since the base is a little sheer for my stained nails, I dabbed a layer over two coats of China Glaze Dandy Lion Around.  However, I've seen other beautiful swatches build this up to full opacity in 2-3 coats on its own.  I didn't have any issues with glitter dragging but since I did just use one coat of the polish, I used the dabbing method to make sure the glitter was placed pretty evenly over the base polish.  For the accent nail, I used my brand new NailVinyls from Linda Davis aka @teismom on Instagram.  These worked amazingly even though I did have an issue with my fast dry topcoat lifting at the top left corner.  The colors I used here were China Glaze Dandy Lion Around, China Glaze For Audrey, and OPI French Quarter For Your Thoughts.  

Aztec Lady

This beauty is Aztec Lady, a gray crelly with pink, yellow, white and gray glitters throughout.  I adore gray shades and Natosha has some of the prettiest I've ever seen.  The shade of gray in the base seems to be a universally flattering one so I'm sure there's a gray crelly for everyone at Love, Angeline. I only needed two thin coats for full opacity and one of topcoat.  For my accent nail, the base is again OPI French Quarter For Your Thoughts, OPI Suzy's Hungary Again, and Sinful Colors Unicorn.

You can purchase this beautiful collection here, and be sure to follow Love, Angeline on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.  

*Products in this post were provided to me for my review.

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